Service is Key
In the hotel industry the employees are part of the product and service encounters between employee and customer help influence the customers’ satisfaction in some way. Bad service encounters receive more attention than good ones and it is therefore essential to maintain high levels of service quality.
Internal Marketing
Internal marketing ensures “that everybody inside the firm is not only aware of the company’s policies, but is also enthusiastic and supportive of them” (Blythe 2008). If employees are not excited about their service then how do we expect customers to be? To create satisfied customers first we must create satisfied employees. At Tenface we do this by aiming marketing internally at our employees.
Integration of Internal Marketing
Internal marketing is not an isolated activity. There are 4 components used to integrate internal marketing into our business (Kotler et al 2005):
At Tenface the desire to serving the customer is embedded in shared values, beliefs and culture. Management leads by example and shows positivity towards both employees and customers.
Research of employees is integrated to the recruitment process. This allows the hotel to attract the correct employees and assure employee satisfaction and increases employee retention. We build team morale through increased emphasis on training, teamwork and team building.
We ensure all customer contact employees are fully informed on all marketing materials and necessary information for contact with guests.
Performance is recognised through a reward
scheme and successful teams will receive rewards such as free event tickets,
spa treatments and dining.
It is Tenface policy to view employees as Internal Customers.
In the hotel industry the employees are part of the product and service encounters between employee and customer help influence the customers’ satisfaction in some way. Bad service encounters receive more attention than good ones and it is therefore essential to maintain high levels of service quality.
Internal Marketing
Internal marketing ensures “that everybody inside the firm is not only aware of the company’s policies, but is also enthusiastic and supportive of them” (Blythe 2008). If employees are not excited about their service then how do we expect customers to be? To create satisfied customers first we must create satisfied employees. At Tenface we do this by aiming marketing internally at our employees.
Integration of Internal Marketing
Internal marketing is not an isolated activity. There are 4 components used to integrate internal marketing into our business (Kotler et al 2005):
- Establishment of a service culture
At Tenface the desire to serving the customer is embedded in shared values, beliefs and culture. Management leads by example and shows positivity towards both employees and customers.
- Development of a marketing approach to human resource management
Research of employees is integrated to the recruitment process. This allows the hotel to attract the correct employees and assure employee satisfaction and increases employee retention. We build team morale through increased emphasis on training, teamwork and team building.
- Dissemination of marketing information to employees
We ensure all customer contact employees are fully informed on all marketing materials and necessary information for contact with guests.
- Implementation of a reward and recognition system