Internal Customers

To achieve internal marketing objectives the hotel views employees as ‘Internal Customers’. “Service organisations that design products for internal customer satisfaction are better able to satisfy the needs of external customers” (Tansuhaj et al 1991). We therefore put the needs of our internal customers first. At Tenface employees come first as we prioritise the needs of internal customers.

The ‘Service-Profit Chain’ highlights the benefits of employee satisfaction to the success of the hotel (Heskett, 1997).

Happy Employees are Productive Employees

By creating a positive working environment for internal customers we create better employee relationships, better communication and increased morale.  We acknowledge that a member of staff who feels part of a team and is highly motivated will give the best customer service. A recent Forbes study showed that happiest employees can be 50% more motivated and productive in the workplace (  Therefore by increasing employee satisfaction and creating happy internal customers we boost productivity and add value to the hotels service quality.

Satisfied Employees Create Satisfied Customers

Added service value generated by internal customers is passed to the external customer during service encounters.  Increased customer satisfaction will increase customer retention and the hotels reputation. There is also a two way relationship between internal and external customer satisfaction as a satisfied customer can also create a satisfied employee.

The Bottom Line

A happy workforce increases employee retention and create savings with lower recruitment and training costs for new staff. Increasing customer retention therefore increases the hotels bottom line profitability and at Tenface we like to reward those involved in our success.

It Pays to Be Happy at Work

A successful company has more to offer employees through job security, rewards and other benefits. Therefore happy employees are not only critical for the organisation's success but for their own personal success.

Internal customers are easy to overlook in favour of external customers. At Tenface we do not as we recognise hotel employees as being key to facilitating the hotel’s success.